Twice the size of Everest: “Devil comet” With horns and ice volcano to light up Earth’s Skies 2

Devil comet:-

A comet with two distinct “horns” of gas and ice, nicknamed the “Devil’s Comet,” is speeding through the inner solar system and in the spring when it is closest to Earth. If it arrives, it can be seen with the naked eye.

The comet known as the “Devil’s Comet” is set to light up Earth’s skies in mid-April next year. Comet Pons-Brooks has an orbit of about 71 years and will be about 232 million kilometers from our planet. It can be bright enough to see with the naked eye or binoculars. The comet gained attention when astronomers observed “horns” around its nucleus, tails of gas and dust resulting from the unusual explosion.

History of Devil comet:-

First observed in 1812, this comet has a cycle of about 71 years. Earth can expect the comet to reach its maximum brightness in mid-April next year when it will be about 232 million kilometers away, the equivalent of 14,41,58,116 miles from our planet.

It may be bright enough to see with your naked eye or through binoculars, but that’s not because it’s going to be very close,” said Teddy Carretta, a postdoctoral researcher at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. “It’s likely that Ponce-Brooks will be bright enough to see with the naked eye next spring, but it will certainly be bright enough to be visible in a telescope,” Insider told Insider.

Devil comet Can also be seen with a small set or backyard binoculars. Creta told Fox News Digital that the main part of space news next April will obviously be a total solar eclipse, so people should consider marking their calendars to try to see the comet just in case. That he is not getting enough news.
Astronomers stress that predicting the brightness of comets as they approach Earth is difficult because they are “notoriously unpredictable,” and that it’s a “wait and see” situation for skywatchers.

Devil comet

Name of comet:-

The comet earned its nickname “Devil” in July after astronomers observed “horns” around its nucleus, which some likened to the Millennium Falcon spacecraft from “Star Wars,” as previously described. Forbes reported.

Carretta explained that these “horns” are essentially tails of gas and dust that resulted from the unusual explosion, which scientists are still fully investigating.
The explosions happen when “comets suddenly become very active,” ejecting gas and dust at high speeds, the astronomer told Insider.
The comet brightens really quickly and then fades to the same brightness as before,” he told the outlet. And that’s what makes this comet so interesting to scientists.”

Carita advises that individuals stay updated on any developments regarding the comet in the months leading up to its expected appearance in the sky.
Astronomers estimate that the comet’s nucleus is 12.4 miles in diameter, about twice the size of Mount Everest. Compared to other celestial fireballs, which typically range from 0.6 to 1.8 miles in diameter, the comet is unusually large, as Carita note.

Devil comet

Devil comet 12p:-

The object, formally known as Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, does not pose a threat to the planet. Instead, the cosmic interloper offers an opportunity for skywatchers to try to spot the comet as it approaches Earth on its 71-year orbit around the Sun.

Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks will reach perihelion, or closest orbit to the Sun, on April 21, 2024. Shortly thereafter, on June 2, the comet will pass close to Earth. During that time, if conditions are clear and the sky is dark enough, astronomers say the comet can be bright enough to be seen with the naked eye.

Meanwhile, comet 12/P Pons-Brooks is putting on a show for those with powerful binoculars.

Readmore Devil comet: Mysteries of Cosmic snowballs 2023


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