Tag: Devil comet heading towards earth

Devil comet

Twice the size of Everest: “Devil comet” With horns and ice volcano to light up Earth’s Skies 2

Devil comet:- A comet with two distinct “horns” of gas and ice, nicknamed the “Devil’s Comet,” is speeding through the inner solar system and in the spring when it is closest to Earth. If it arrives, it can be seen with the naked eye. The comet known as the “Devil’s Comet” is set to light…

Devil comet

Devil comet: Mysteries of Cosmic snowballs 2023

Devil comet: Astronomers have revealed that a comet three times the size of Mount Everest, dubbed ‘Devil Comet’, complete with horns, is approaching Earth. Named 12P/Pons-Brooks, the massive space rock is visible to the naked eye. Most recently, between Oct. 5 and Oct. 7, the Pons-Brooks, or “Devil Comet,” erupted, providing astronomers with additional footage…